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The Different Forms of Urinary Incontinence


Urinary incontinence means passing urine unintentionally. This can happen to people of all age groups, but we will focus on incontinence among the elderly.

Urinary incontinence isn’t something your senior should have to live with. In fact, it’s not even considered a normal part of aging.

GENUINE HOME CARE AGENCY understands how hard this can be for both the senior and their family, so here are a few forms of incontinence you need to look out for:

  • Urge incontinence
    This is also referred to as an overactive bladder. Here, seniors will feel an urgent urge to urinate, resulting in “accidents” happening before getting to the toilet.
  • Overflow incontinence
    This occurs when your senior’s bladder never fully empties. People who have overflow incontinence often have to go to the bathroom and often leak small amounts of urine.
  • Functional incontinence
    This is caused by other disabilities. People who have Parkinson’s, arthritis, or have suffered a stroke commonly struggle with functional incontinence.

So how can homemaker services in Aurora, Colorado help?

Well, aside from having all your senior’s chores and errands taken care of. Caregivers can also handle your loved one’s personal care in Colorado.

They will be the ones to help your senior with their frequent bathroom breaks, and even be the ones to clean up if your senior has an “accident”.

If you’re looking for senior care for your loved done, you’re in the right place. Give our home care agency a call now at 720-306-0313.

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